Anthrax War: Dr Death

Following leads on the anthrax trail took us across four continents - filming outside the high security perimeter fences of some of the world's most secret germ war labs (and inside a couple), tracking down and talking to experts and scientists some of whom were members of the so called "International Bio-Weapons Mafia". None was more chilling than the face to face we got with the man they call Doctor Death - Wouter Basson, the army scientist who headed apartheid South Africa's secret germ war program - Project Coast.

Shrouded in mystery and hidden behind front companies that used worldwide intelligence connections, the shocking activities of the program only emerged after the fall of apartheid - revealing a shockingly sophisticated operation that had 200 scientists developing germ war agents to be used against the country's black population.

This was one of the very few interviews Doctor Death has given and for the first time he talks candidly about the help the received from the West, his relationship with David Kelly and the creation of "the Black Bomb" an agent that could sterilize blacks without their knowledge.

And then there's his strange relationship with Larry Ford, the Mormon gynecologist to Hollywood stars who was also moonlighting for the South Africans and had CIA connections.

Some experts are wondering whether Doctor Deaths's program provided a convenient off-shore operation for Western germ war experimentation?

Anthrax War: Dr Alibek & Ukraine's Mystery Illness | ARTE/CBC